Friday, August 8, 2008

Laying down your bike

I went to a bike night event at the local pub last night. We had a pretty good turn out - there was about 80 bikes that rode in. Good times had by all.

At my table, one of the riders was telling a story about a recent accident he was in. He was riding in his own neighborhood - speed limit was posted at 25. He was going a little fast - he thought he was doing 40. A car backed out of a driveway and he layed down his bike to avoid a head on collision.

He was banged up pretty bad - but his bike was totalled.

While I really have a lot of sympathy for his pain and his loss, I really don't understand the need to lay the bike down. Obviously, laying it down is probably a lot better than a head on collision - but what about going AROUND the car? Or - and this is one of those 20-20 hindsight statements - why not go a little slower so that you CAN stop?

I am not trying to be contentious - but very rarely do I hear a story about laying a bike down that I don't think that was a stupid move. I am sure there are situations where there simply was no other choice. I ride every day - both as a commute as well as for pleasure. I see my share of cagers trying to violate the laws of physics (like trying to occupy the same space I am) every day.

But I have not had to lay down my bike once in 30 plus years of riding.

I think the key is to ALWAYS have at least 3 paths to take if you need to take action. Bikes are far more agile than cars - can accelerate faster, brake faster, turn quicker - you have a lot of options. And when the road doesn't give you options for evasive driving - slow down!

Stay safe out there.

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