Thursday, October 23, 2008

Olympia Moto Sports Phantom

Living in Seattle and riding this time of year will test your gear. Not only is rainy weather to be expected, it gets downright chilly. Morning rides or late evening rides are going to wet and cold (ok - if your lucky, just cold).

I have a First Gear jacket and pants that are about 5 years old. They have worn exceptionally well - but I decided it was time to get something new (read - latest technology) and I definitely wanted a two piece this time around.

I slipped out of work a little early last night and picked up an Olympia Moto Sports Phantom one-piece. I got the grey (pewter?) one.

I had seen the video of the guy getting into the suit in about 10 seconds (or something ridiculas like that). Trust me - the first time you put this bad boy on will take a lot longer than that! :) Oh yeah - and the first time you don this garment you will also get credit for a short cardio workout.

I am right at 6' tall with a 29" inseam. I am also a little on the heavy side (tipping the scales at 250). I have always had a problem figuring out the fitment of clothes - and in particular, motorcycle gear. I phoned Olympia Moto Sports and spoke with one of their phone support people. They were VERY helpful - to the point that call alone is probably why I chose Olympia.

Before I get into the features of the one piece, I want to point out a very cool design feature. Most riding pants are difficult, if not impossible, to get sized for inseam challenged people like me. When your belly dimension is longer than your inseam - let's face it - nothing fits off the rack. The Phantom can be hemmed without affecting the integrity of the garment. The zippers don't go to the very bottom - there is just velcro down there - so hemming is no problem!

Back to the features I like: the thing is WARM! It got a little chilly last night (my temp gauge indicated 39) and I was on my 1125R. Zipping along at 75 would have been VERY chilly with my old gear. Wind would "leak" into the coat somewhere (typically the back of my neck or up the bottom of the coat). With the Phantom, I was TOASTY warm! I can't remember a ride in that temperature range when I was that comfortable!

This morning on the commute to work we have a "light sprinkle". In Seattle, when it is light rain, that is the equivalent of 100% humidity. I other words, EVERYTHING is dripping wet. I stayed as dry as could be. It was GREAT!

There are a bunch of pockets and I am still figuring out how to layout my stuff to use the pockets conveniently. Getting to your wallet in your jeans with the Phantom on is not easy - but doable. I will likely move my wallet to the Phantom to avoid the wrestling to get my wallet out. I was tempted to ask the pretty lady pumping gas at the next pump to reach into my suit and help get my wallet out - but realized that might have come across as a lame pick up line. Maybe next time...

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